Monday, April 15, 2013

5 thyroid diseases - learn to live with it

This small gland that lies at the base of the neck, produces important hormones for life. When sick, causes the same problems, especially us women.


Sometimes, the thyroid gland produces too much hormone. In response, the pituitary gland (a gland that lies inside the skull) produces less of its hormone TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). This is a warning for the thyroid, that works too fast. If it is healthy, it receives this signal and mute up. If, however, the cooperation between thyroid and pituitary is impaired - the concentration of TSH in the blood decreases and thyroid hormones is still growing. If you have a terrible feeling. You're irritable, you can cry for no reason. You sweat, your hands are shaking and knocking heart. Do you have irregular periods, lose the weight, even though you are eating normally.

• Research: These symptoms eventually will force you to visit an internist. You'll get a referral for testing blood levels of TSH, thyroid hormones, and two - (T4) and (T3). If the results are above normal, and TSH less than 0.1 mU / L indicates a hyperthyroidism. Internist will refer you to a specialist endocrinologist (tyreologa).

• Treatment: Unpleasant symptoms of hyperthyroidism disappear as soon as you take the so-called. thyreostatics. They are supposed to slow down the gland. What is needed is a thyroid ultrasound. Your doctor will be able to evaluate the location, size and shape of the thyroid gland, as well as determine whether lumps. If, despite taking medication, thyroid is working too fast, you will need to provide a capsule of radioactive iodine. Frequently enough already one such dose to the prostate began to work normally. But even if radioactive iodine the thyroid gland does not mute, you need the surgery.

• Diet: If you suffer from hyperthyroidism, eat more animal protein. The best of his sources are lean meats, cold cuts, dairy products, fish. Choose a fruit and vegetables rich in antioxidants, or vitamins. A - carrots, tomatoes, peaches, wit. C - parsley, citrus and wit. B1-eggs, cereal. However, the amount of salads should be moderate. They contain fiber, which reduces the absorption of certain ingredients and calories.

• Lifestyle: Avoid vigorous exercise, so as not to further burden the heart. Walks will be better than aerobics or swimming. If you really sweating, get dressed, "the onion" to be able to take off your clothes when you do get hot. In choosing to leave after the season, when there is no heat.

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• What can you do the same: do not cure hyperthyroidism herbs. You may, however, weaken the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Try a mixture of herbs recommended by Father Andrew Klimuszko. Stir in 50 g: bladder wrack, herb sweet clover, horsetail herb, herb speedwell forest, oak bark, lichen Iceland, sand sedge rhizome, licorice root, and couch grass rhizome. Spoon the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, let stand for 3 hours. Strain, gently heat the drink 3 times a day half a cup, 20 minutes before eating.


When the thyroid is working too slowly and produces too few hormones, there are worrying signs that hinder your life. Tyjesz, but eat very little, you feel constantly tired, have dry skin and elevated cholesterol levels. But the most severe consequence of hypothyroidism have difficulty conceiving.

• Research: You have to check the level of the hormone TSH. Greater than 3.5 mU / L indicates hypothyroidism. Also important is the level of thyroid hormones T3 and T4. If you really suffer from hypothyroidism, the results of the study will be below normal.

• Treatment: To compensate for shortages caused by the thyroid work too slow, you will need to take daily thyroid hormone tablet. In some cases, it is still taking iodine tablets and a diet rich in this element. For thyroid could work well, it must receive at least 150 every day? Ê (micrograms) of iodine.

• Diet: An effective way to supplement iodine deficiency is by eating foods such as marine fish and seafood. Good sources of iodine are particularly herring, mackerel, salmon. Use iodized salt too.

• Lifestyle: It's every physical activity: walking, swimming, cycling. At least 30 minutes a day. If you have more energy in the morning, use that time effectively. On the afternoon when you feel sharp drop in form, do not plan too much.

Graves' disease

In some people, the thyroid is not working properly because the body produces antibodies that attack it continuously, causing chronic inflammation. If as a result of the gland grows and begins to produce excessive amounts of hormones, is suffering from Graves' disease disease. Symptoms are as for hyperthyroidism. On your neck characteristic appears in the form of so-called convexity. will or protruding eyes.

• Tests: Your doctor will test thyroid hormones and TSH. You will need to define the so-called. thyroid antibodies in the serum. You will also get a referral for an ultrasound. If it turns out that it is nodular goiter, an endocrinologist will recommend you to other studies, such as biopsy, aspiration, or scintigraphy.

• Treatment: You will receive antithyroid drugs. You may also need to provide radioactive iodine.

• Diet should contain increased amounts of calories, vitamins and protein. Your body needs it now, even 110-130 grams of protein a day. Eat more lean meat and fish, and milk and milk products, eggs.

• Lifestyle: If hyperthyroidism is necessary to give up the drugs - cigarettes, strong coffee, tea and effort.


Occasionally, the immune system destroys the thyroid and - as in the case of Graves' disease - means that there is a chronic inflammation. The difference lies in the fact that it does not expand the prostate and gradually disappears. You can not stop the process, and the thyroid gland becomes smaller, the slower it runs. The symptoms are the same as in hypothyroidism.

• Research: Necessary control of thyroid hormone, TSH levels and thyroid antibodies determination, ultrasound by the doctor.

• Treatment: You should take thyroid hormone, TSH control and blood cholesterol levels. If there are lumps, aspiration biopsy must be done.

• Diet under normal TSH and no symptoms of hypothyroidism is not necessary to use a special diet.

• Lifestyle: Be active. Walk or exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Careful use of cosmetic and aesthetic medicine. Always consult with your endocrinologist.

Thyroid Nodules

The most common thyroid disease in Poland is called. nodular goiter. Can occur at both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland is growing, if you do not receive long-iodine. A visible sign of the will is growing neck size, sometimes you can feel a lump.

• Research: The primary is ultrasound. If your doctor detects a lump, direct you to the aspiration biopsy. It is always necessary when the diameter of the nodule less than 1 cm. Your doctor may

you have a scintigraphy to know the nature of their so-called nodules and. jodochłonność.

• Treatment: Lumps "hot" to gather evidence given radioisotope usually hyperthyroidism, so the doctor will apply the treatment thyreostatics. When nodules are "cold" may be of malignancy. Then you need to remove the thyroid gland and provide treatment with radioactive iodine.

• Diet: Your doctor will prescribe a diet, depending on the nature of the nodule found.

• Lifestyle: A good way to provide the iodine is a holiday in the sun (summer and winter). A large amount of this element in the air will complete inventories of iodine.

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