Sunday, January 6, 2013

Thyroid diseases and pregnancy

Still, in many environments, spaces myth that pregnancy cures many hormonal problems. Yet we know that, on the contrary, may favor disclosure of diseases so far running smoothly or symptoms. This is especially disorders of the thyroid gland.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but certainly a big challenge for a woman's body. Itself does not cause a specific disease, but the load caused by it for almost all organs can lead to the development of premature failure weaker body. Some problems can be prevented, as they are related to lifestyle, but a lot of it is genetic.

If before pregnancy were treated hormonally, under the supervision of an endocrinologist, it's likely that its assistance is needed during pregnancy, and long after the birth. It is worth noting that even in healthy women while waiting for the child and earlier, often in the first year of motherhood revealed thyroid problems, especially hyperactivity.

There are no miracles

The pregnancy will continue to have thyroid disease, and diabetes has passed. The course and the type of problems will probably be different, and sometimes need to change medications (if only because it changes the weight of the future we have), but a lasting recovery is not what to think. Even specific, seemingly transitional problems: gestational diabetes need to be controlled, because although generally disappear after childbirth, it usually comes back in a new form (type 2 diabetes) later. Women who have had difficulty conceiving due to pituitary adenoma, postpartum lactation inhibition required to prevent its growth.

Similarly, women's symptoms: pain, heavy bleeding probably come back with the menses, especially if they were associated with endometriosis or fibroids.

So why belief in the curative effect of pregnancy? Indeed, rarely, but it happens, the "miraculous healing". At the time of birth, some adenomas suffer a stroke and literally disappear.

In young, lean women postpartum loosening the internal os of the uterus can cause regression of women's ailments, but only on condition that the difficulties of menstrual blood outflow through too narrow opening was the only cause of the trouble. Pregnancy is not a cure such as chronic infections.

Help endocrinologist

Thyroid hormones throughout life determine our health and well-being, even affecting the cardiovascular system, metabolism, bone health, nervous system ... (Everything on this topic in the text: The thyroid governs us). Pregnant double play an important role, since they allow the normal development of the unborn child. When the fetus is not yet producing its own hormones, their adequate blood levels we allow your child to build a brain, skeletal system.

Control of thyroid hormones is not a routine pregnancy test package. Their concentration is checked, however, in the case of pregnant women who have ever had problems with that organ or report signs of problems with the thyroid. In case of failure, it is advisable to get pregnant leading obstetrician and gynecologist, endocrinologist at the same time or by doctor's specialty cooperate with each other. It is known that thyroid disease can directly affect the health and even the life of an unborn child, but only if they are left untreated, unrecognized. The use of safe oral drugs can compensate for hormone levels and allow mother and her child a happy solution.

The pregnancy is not only to determine the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), screened to assess the condition of the thyroid gland ("normal", it is assumed that the normal levels of TSH generally excludes the vast majority of thyroid problems). TSH level, especially in the first trimester, when hormone is particularly important for the development of the child, sometimes physiologically reduced (because she did not interpret the results, because you worry unnecessarily). The diagnosis is possible only after the determination and interpreted FT3 and FT4 levels (the so-called free fractions of thyroid hormones), and sometimes also in other studies (eg, ultrasound). Hyperthyroidism can be caused by even the disease, but a combination of the placental hormone hCG. In the first case, treatment is necessary, the second is not: it is the same elapsed time.

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Important symptoms

The future we usually are prepared for problems associated with their condition. It can be dangerous and lead to a disregard of flaws thyroid.

Hyperthyroidism is revealed almost the same as the normal pregnancy, the symptoms are severe: there are so called. hyperemesis, restlessness, tremor, palpitations, excessive sweating. Your doctor should be noted, however, when it comes to weight loss or natural increase is too small, and there is diarrhea, which in contrast to vomit, even in early pregnancy, are hardly the norm. In the case of Graves' disease, a common cause of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy, the doctor and the patient on the right track can guide the protruding eyes, the presence of the will. Thyroid problems are often family-run, so the diagnosis should include not only patients with symptoms suggestive of hyperthyroidism, but with thyroid disease identified in the past as well as those whose close relatives have had health problems related to the thyroid. Thyroid tests should also include all women who have ever survived the abortion of unknown cause.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism is usually oral, different in different trimesters, but require constant monitoring during pregnancy and after childbirth. Awareness of the importance of the thyroid gland for the developing organism made out every Polish kid has determined the level of TSH. Early detection of abnormalities can save most of the children from developmental disorders.

In the case of some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism (lethargy, weakness, slow heart rate, fatigue) are also known as natural pregnancy. Which future mother, at least for a time, did not want to sleep all the time? But if left untreated hypothyroidism may cause the mother mentally and physically retarded fetus. Treatment in the meantime, as with hyperthyroidism, usually not complicated.

We know how important it is iodine during pregnancy, but women who have thyroid problems, need to watch out for him and possibly take only under medical supervision. Caution! Available over the counter preparations for pregnant women also contain this element, so if you are pregnant any medication consult your gynecologist.

Iodine for hyperthyroidism, as a component required for the production of thyroid hormones may aggravate symptoms. Healthy women and hypothyroidism is much needed, but dosage and selection of product is always better to leave the doctor. It should also be noted that the thyroid gland is an organ whimsical and sometimes hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism alternate, hence the need for the control and supervision of the endocrine, if you have any problem with this gland.

Exhausted motherhood? It also could be a problem with the thyroid!

Often the problem with the thyroid, especially her overactive, revealed to one year after birth. Young mother but often goes to the doctor when their health is already strained disease and hyperthyroidism very advanced. Why? Many of the symptoms wrongly interpret the fact, recognizing that it is a natural consequence of motherhood.

Each of us is keen to quickly return to pre-pregnancy weight. However, too rapid loss of pounds after giving birth to the first warning signal: something may be wrong. If a pregnant woman has worked well and not put on weight more than 15 kg, usually within the first two to three months, losing about 10 kg and shortly thereafter returned to baseline body weight. When you took a lot more is obese, or sick, it happens that a full return to pre-pregnancy weight at all can go wrong, and weight loss must be supervised by a specialist bariatrÄ™. However, if the young mother returned to pre-pregnancy weight, and express weight loss is not the end, it is shaky, nervous and tired all, a sweaty, trembling hands, and severe shortness of breath when climbing stairs, and feel palpitations, it should be cause for concern. This may be postpartum hyperthyroidism, which can cause Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Until recently, it was suspected that this disorder may suffer from about 2 percent. population. Today we know that patients always come sick constantly growing and among them especially much just young mothers.

Fatigue, even exhaustion, seems to understand the state as a 24-hour take care of a baby. However, without exaggeration: child care does not kill, and an underactive thyroid - yes. The disease sometimes so exhausted body that cause difficulty begins even walk. Hyperthyroidism is extremely dangerous, even destructive, for the entire circulatory system because the heart, instead of working with the activity of about 70 beats per minute, runs nearly twice as fast. It is not prepared for such an effort. After the start of treatment the problem and the symptoms do not subside quickly - sometimes persist even years. So, do not wait until you have a problem to get out of bed. The case try to explain, at least at the beginning of the GP. Medical consultation is absolutely necessary if your weight index (BMI is calculated as follows: weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared and) drops below 18 This underweight already carries risks similar to anorexia.

Only estrogen

Of course, not every tired young mother has just sick thyroid. Apathy, mood swings, confusion and a sense of helplessness is a result of stress, but the "laziness" ovaries. On being a woman have a huge impact produced by the ovaries, estrogen. After the birth, they work almost as idle as in women during menopause. Hence the fatigue, decreased libido, drenching sweats, a terrible mood. Note: The signal that estrogen has returned to normal, the return period. Along with it may, of course, go back and PMS (being a woman is not easy), but the appetite for life.

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