Monday, February 11, 2013

Mysterious thyroid disease

You get the feeling that everything around you is spinning. Sometimes this feeling only lasts a few seconds and does not return. At other times, so often repeated, that makes life difficult.

This disease, also known as lymphocytic or autoimmune thyroid pleased the woman. They account for the vast majority of patients. For years, may not realize that something is wrong with their thyroid gland, Hashimoto I do not always give you symptoms. Therefore, it happens that the coincidence is detected when blood tests.

Body's autoatack

Causes of lymphocytic thyroiditis is unknown. It is certain, however, that it belongs to a group of autoimmune diseases in which the immune system rather than annihilate enemies (eg bacteria, viruses), attacks the body's healthy cells. In the case of Hashimoto's disease destroys the thyroid cells, resulting in inflammation of the prostate. It leads to hypothyroidism (reduction of hormones secreted by it). Sometimes it is hidden and show it only tests. Quite often, however, are specific to the symptoms: slowed metabolism, which causes weight gain, heart relief, decreased mental and physical, feeling cold, dry skin. There are also disorders of the menstrual cycle, and sometimes thyroid goiter, constipation, swelling of the face, hands.

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Antibody test

Symptoms of Hashimoto's disease may also suggest other diseases, so it is difficult to test without a diagnosis. The most important of these are:

    blood count - the inflammatory process provides an increased number of leukocytes (white blood cells);
    TSH - the pituitary hormone that controls secretion of the thyroid hormones, elevated levels of evidence of hypothyroidism, the gland;
    FT3 and FT4 levels - that is, free of thyroid hormones in the blood, thyroxine and triiodothyronine, reduced indicates hypothyroidism;
    anti-TPO antibodies, the presence of antibodies specific to the inflammation of the thyroid gland. Only such research package allows for the diagnosis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Sometimes also performed thyroid ultrasound or fine needle aspiration (to confirm the inflammation).

Dose of hormone

If a physician diagnoses you lymphocytic thyroiditis, do not be alarmed. Although the disease is chronic, usually for life, but it need not be worse than the healthy human life. Treatment is very difficult. Limited to the administration of thyroxine, a synthetic thyroid hormone. Just every morning (preferably on an empty stomach) take one little pill. You do not need to take anti-inflammatory drugs that have different side effects and if this condition is not very effective.

Thyroxine but inhibits inflammation and suppresses symptoms associated with Hashimoto's disease. And when you start to take it? Sentences endocrinologists are divided on this issue. Some believe that only when the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Others (and they constitute the vast majority) believe that small doses of thyroxine should be given the time to start finding elevated levels of anti-TPO and diseases specific to the ultrasound image. Doing so prevents the occurrence of symptoms of Hashimoto's disease.

IMPORTANT: If left untreated, Hashimoto's disease can lead to reduced exercise capacity, deterioration of intellectual capacity, the emergence of anxiety, depression, increased cholesterol levels, blood pressure and slow the heart rate, slowing down metabolism.

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